Wednesday 9 May 2012

Happy to support Bicester Eco Con (BaECON)

Tony Walton and Colin Cockshaw stood in the local elections last week to oppose the ridiculous plans to build a so-called "Eco" Town in the countryside north of Bicester.

This hare-brained scheme seems to have been cooked up by a few politicians with no real public consultation or involvement, and is being pushed through with indecent haste by Cherwell District Council.   It appears that there is no master developer for the site, and to get the plans off the ground Cherwell District Council is planning to spend up to £10m of OUR money as seed corn (not sure that's an appropriate phrase, given that they plan to concrete over in excess of 500 acres of fields) for the project.

More details can be found at the BeECON website: Bicester Against the EcoCON

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Now I'm converted to ebooks

Despite my earlier post about ebook readers being a rip-off my daughter got a Kindle for Christmas, and really enjoys it and uses it all the time.

Following her lead I've now acquired Kindle for my iPhone, and I'm converted (mostly) to the concept of ebooks.

I know I can't read in the bath any more, but as long as I keep my phone charged I can read books wherever I go.  When I went abroad on business recently I took business books with me, rather than heavy tomes and it was so much easier.

Only a matter of time until electronic downloads overtake paper book purchases now (although they still need to work on the electronic book pricing model).

Can't wait to see the iPad 3

Looks like the Apple website is being prepared for the launch of the iPad3.  I'm glad I didn't buy an iPad2 after Christmas - now I have to see if I can afford an iPad3, or maybe pick up a cheap iPad2 once they flood onto the market?